Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy oversees the way in which (the “Site”) handles the information of its individual users (a “User”). Specifically, it oversees the collection, use, maintenance, and disclosure of information. The content of this Privacy Policy applies both to this Site and all of the materials and services provided herein. Privacy policy is subject to change at any time.

Personally Identifying Information

1. The personally identifying information of the Site’s Users may be collected at a number of occasions that include, but are not limited to, when Users register with the Site, order the Site’s services, visit the Site, or in connection with any other resources offered.

2. Personally identifying information will be collected only from Users who submit such information voluntarily. All Users may use the Site without providing such information.

3. Users reserve the right to refuse to provide personally identifying information, but doing so may prevent them from using certain services offered by the Site.

Other, non-personally identifying information

4. The Site may collect additional data from Users that cannot be used to identify them as individuals. Information of this type includes browser type, technical computer information, and operating systems.


5.The Site may use web browser cookies to provide a more complete User experience. The use of cookies is facilitated by a User’s web browser, which places small text files on the User’s hard drive for the purposes of record-keeping and occasionally for tracking basic information.

6. A User may refuse to use cookies or require alerts any time a website attempts to use cookies. In order to refuse cookies, a User must adjust his or her browser settings. Users refusing cookies may not be able to use all parts of the site.

Using collected information

7. The Site may collect, and subsequently use, the personal information of a User to do any of the following:

Improve customer service

Customize your Site experience

Manage feedback

Market or promote the Site

Facilitate promotions, surveys, giveaways, etc.

Share useful information

Protecting your information

8.The Site uses industry standard practices with regard to the collection, storage, and processing of User data. Unapproved Site access, as well as disclosure/destruction of a User’s personal information, is avoided using standard security measures.

9. The Site may receive caller ID information of a lead that came through the website. The site stores caller ID information in phone tracking software.

Third-party websites

10. The Site often contains advertising or other sponsored material including links to third-party websites. Each of these websites is likely to possess its own unique privacy policies. Users are encouraged to read each of these policies.


11. Similarly, advertisements link out to third-party websites. These websites may have their own privacy policies. They also may or may not use cookies. (Advertisers use cookies to provide highly targeted, relevant ads that are suitable for individual Users.)

12. The privacy policy used to govern this Site does not apply to third-party websites, including those of our advertising partners.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

13. The Site may, from time to time, see fit to update this Privacy Policy. If this happens, Users may or may not be alerted individually. At a minimum, the Site will update the Revision Date located at the bottom of this page.

14. Because Users may not be notified of changes to the Privacy Policy, all Users are encouraged to visit this page regularly.

Acceptance of these terms

15. By using this Site, you agree to the terms of this Policy.

16. If you are unwilling to agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, we encourage you not to use the Site. Using the site indicates your legal agreement to these terms, regardless of your individual concerns.

17. Questions?

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding this Privacy Policy or the practices of this Site. Please email any questions here